Friday, August 05, 2005

"He's got no arms or legs? I guess I just don't notice peoples' disabilities"


So, I was talking to Jeremy just before right and..which Jeremy? You know, he's got, like, blue eyes, he's shortish...The disabled one? Um, let me think Gee, now that I think about it, you're right: Jeremy has no arms or legs. How about that? I guess I just don't notice things like that, you know. I take a person for who they are, as a whole. I don't divide people into categories of 'having legs' and 'not having legs'.

And you know what, man? I'm a little offended that you would even refer to my mate Jeremy like that, actually. Why do you have to define people by their exterior? You wouldn't like it I was talking about you and I was all like...judging you and shit. And don't say you're not, because you are. You are judging Jeremy because he happens to have no limbs whereas I do. In fact, now that I think about it, I've never even noticed that I do have limbs. I'm just who I am, just like Jeremy is who he is. I'm pretty sure that he's never noticed that he has no limbs, either. You doubt that? Well, you, my friend, are nothing short of a bigot.

People should not judge books by their covers. That way people would get to experience human relations at a deeper level.You know, I think it would be much better if everybody in the world was just unable to see anything about anyone else that was different. I think the world would be a much better place then. We'd all be brothers and sisters in a massive floating love fest. Right?

In fact, I'm not sure I can even be friends with somebody so prejudiced as you. Someone who would not only notice, but actually bring up the tiny detail that Jeremy has no arms and legs. You're really an awful person for even seeing people in terms of their limb-status. It just gets me so angry!

Anyway, I was talking to Jeremy and he...well, he asked me to invite you to his birthday party. Me? No, he hasn't gotten around to inviting me yet. Whatever, I probably have something on that day anyway.



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