Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Britney Spears Remembers ‘the Good Ol’ Days’


Boy, it sure is hard being the world’s most recognizable pop star. Now that I’m well into my second marriage and partly through my first (publicized) pregnancy, I’ve had a bit of time off from my tireless routine of posing for photographs, eating, throwing up, miming to a pitch-corrected backing track and breastfeeding Kevin to reflect on the good ol’ days.

Back in the day, I was the hottest pub act in the business. Just before I hit the so called ‘big time’ label scouts would come from all the big cities to see my midnightly act, which attempted to fuse modern jazz fusion with 50s style rockabilly while still forging my own neo-industrial take on mid 90s Britpop.

It was a tough slog to begin with, what with venue managers and audiences alike objecting to what I was doing. At best they couldn’t understand what I was trying to do and dismissed it as pretentious; at worst calling my artistic endeavours ‘the Devil’s music’. Their ignorance never waned, and I was only given my chance to shine when the punters at ‘Wazoo’s Tavern’ staged a sit-in and demanded I be given a record deal. It didn’t quite work, but it gave me a lot of exposure which was great for my underground cred.

Yeah, sure it was rough and tumble – getting beer bottles hurled at me when the crowd didn’t agree with my political stance and the way my opinions manifested themselves in song – but it was gritty, dirty and ultimately real. So when I think about those days of 23 hours of waiting around, groupies wanting to make plaster casts of genitalia and towns that are sealed Tuna sandwiches, I look back on a time I will delight in telling my baby when he or she is born. And through him/her, those good ol’ days will never be lost.



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