Some (other) Important Things of Note Highlighted by the Latham Diaries

- That Latham has the balls to stand by his convictions and up to his enemies.
- Regardless of what you think of him, no other politician today has these kind of balls.
- Latham actually saved the world on numerous occasions under the alias 'Dr. Supermensch'.
- Sex with backbenchers is better because they are more eager. "No portfolio: no panties" is his rule.
- Latham sits at home nights just thinking about how 'true blue' he is.
- That regular Australians actually like this guy now, because he hates both Labor and the Coalition, just like they do.
- Remember: he called the PM an arselicker. In public.
- During that handshake, Latham might as well have been slipping Howard a note that says 'you win'.
- If he is making up even half of this stuff, Kim Beazley and the ALP are still in deep shit.
- After the election loss, Latham planned on finding out the names and numbers of the 'silent majority' so he could break their arms.
- He is probably going to make enough money off this book to live comfortably forever. The Australian Dream: sticking a dog up the bastards and being rich enough to gloat.
- Latham would actually punch Osama Bin Laden in the face. And Howard. And the Queen if need be.
- He just wasn't made for politics. He has emotions.
Amen. Hear hear! etc. I watched the Denton, and the T eastley. Latham I can watch, Howard I just cannot stand for more than a minute - he is a form of torture.
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While I can see some merit in some things you said about Latham I still think he's an unethical man. I loved seeing the interview he did with Denton, it was facinating! Denton is one of the best interviewers ever! Latham certainly has guts, but he's still a rather self centred man.
Are you busy reading the book Hegder? Is this why you're not posting anymore?
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