Saturday, October 30, 2004


Well, a new bipedal hominid species, homo floresiensis, was found this week in Indonesia. I hope everyone smiled. This little lady (though the papers were calling it a 'flores man') may be a descendant of homo erectus. Like the screenwriters of a Matrix sequel, the Creationists will be trying throwing as much coal as they can into their burnt out engine on their runaway train, (except they can't because the coal is actually just ash) trying to discredit this amazing find, since now the whole 'how come we haven't found any of the missing links?' pseudo-argument is becoming less and less palatable (well, the flores man isn't actually an ancestor, but it does raise questions about all that stuff of which I know very little). Still, morons will be morons. And I mean morons.

Missy Higgins was great, except for some drunk fucks standing behind me, talking loudly and being criminally obnoxious. I think I just used a nominalization. Missy Higgins is a person, not an event. But you know what I meant.


At 12:06 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

A nominalization is when you turn a verb into a noun What I did wasn't actually that, but I didn't do enough first year linguistics so that was the closest thing that came to my head.
It's not really relevant to my BA, but any unnecessary information I pick up along the way I treasure.


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