Wednesday, November 17, 2004

'Aw Ref, he's not playing fair!'

There was a time in my dark past when I didn't think Bill O'Reilly was too bad. Hell, I even own a book of his (which isn't so much a book as a collection of his interviews; you know, the ones where he yells over the top of any good argument and can shut down the interview whenever he wants).
Today on his show, there were a couple of things that made me laugh. One of the talking points was that Iraqi terrorists (he'll use this word unequivocally, but come 'insurgent', it's always 'so called insurgents')aren't adhering to the 'rules of war'. Hilarity.
Firstly, what the fuck is 'rules of war'? The victor makes the rules, makes history. Is it just me, or is the concept of having rules of war ridiculous? 'Aw, Ref!'
This rules of war thing lead to O'Reilly saying something about Kofi Annan didn't care about how many Americans are 'dying in the sand'. Yeah, well, Bill, maybe that' because he is worrying about the other billions of people on the planet that aren't Americans, selfish fuck. Like, you know, the Sudanese who are in trouble through no fault of their own. It's like jumping into the fire and then complaining that noone will help them out when they discover it's hot.

Oh and Iraqi police are deserting the force. Bill doubted that they even 'want freedom'. I can't help but think of Eddie Izzard's comment about Americans that they are taught to pursue freedom and happiness but they PURSUE it, you know. (Gun pointed) 'Come on, you fucking freedom...'
I guess it's all symptomatic of the 'hold their feet to the fire for democracy' approach to liberation.

Colin Powell resigned as Secretary of State, now replaced by Condoleeza Rice. I don't know quite what this means yet, for the world's affairs.
Meanwhile, a man of 'middle eastern descent' (Fox News ;) set himself on fire screaming 'Allah, Allah' outside the White House.

Also, here, Parliament opened today. Bend over and kiss it.


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