Sunday, August 21, 2005

Robert Doyle Builds Spaceship for Pedophile


Outraged at the news that convicted pedophile Charles Alan Smith is now living in Victoria after being transferred from Perth in a parole transfer scheme, state Opposition Leader Robert Doyle has built a homemade spaceship in which to place the disgraced former Salvation Army major.

“Why should Victoria become the dumping ground for other states’ pedophiles?” said Doyle, as he added the finishing touches of paint to his rocket. “I made some calls to other states, but they didn’t want to take him either. Not even Tassie. So, it became clear what I had to do: build a spaceship, Robbie!”

The Liberal MP is confident the spacecraft will get off the ground and orbit the earth for the term of Smith’s natural life. Doyle also suggested there was room enough in the rocket to house more than one child sex offender, including the infamous and recently released Mr. Baldy.

However, some conservative commentators have expressed discomfort with Doyle’s plan, saying that if pedophiles are allowed to orbit the earth, they might still be dangerous.

“Surely Mr. Doyle cannot be serious about letting pedophiles orbit the earth” said Labelled Victims of Crime Coalition chairman David Xanadu. “The telescopes they have in those spaceships are so high powered the pedophiles can actually see our kids on the playground from space!"

Xanadu plans to fight Doyle's spaceship plan until the state Opposition Leader agrees to uninstall the telescopes. Doyle is reportedly considering it.



At 3:59 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

I'm going to treat that like it's not sarcastic and say 'thanks, man'. Seriously, why isn't my blog the most popular thing on the net? Do people actually LIKE reading about the minutia of other peoples' lives?

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Prescott? Such a Yankee name. I bet he got teased at school a lot.

At 12:10 AM, Blogger Litha said...

I read your blog every day Hegder, just waiting and hoping to see if Adri9n has posted another comment


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