Sunday, August 21, 2005

Guy not big enough nerd for girl in comic book shop


A guy was not enough of a nerd to chat up a girl in a comic book shop yesterday, prompting bemusement, sources say. Roger Dulles, 25, was in the Cronos Comics store buying reissues of classic 1950s EC comic books when he approached Ruth Smythe, 23, with the intention of picking her up.

Reports state that Dulles attempted conversation but could not keep up with Smythe’s rapid-fire references to obscure issues of Preacher and Hellblazer. When Dulles, a systems analyst, meekly mumbled something about liking ‘that Constantine movie’, the Smythe reportedly rolled her eyes and made a sarcastic comment about his taste in big screen comic book adaptations.

After several awkward moments, Dulles ejected from the situation and left the linguistics student to herself. “I don’t understand what I did wrong” the former amateur cricketer said. “I guess women these days want a man who knows the difference between Bob Kane’s Batman and Frank Miller’s Batman.”

However, Dulles has not let this incident get him down, saying that “she wasn’t even very good looking”. He also noted that she had an undercut.



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