Thursday, July 07, 2005

“Our Impotence in the face of Terrorism is still not as Impotent as You”


OK, honey, so the world is once again feeling powerless in the face of an international terrorist threat, this time directed at England...Yes, tonight – morning there. You didn’t hear about that? Well, it happened...Yeah I know, babe, it’s some fucked up any case…there is still a matter that I’ve been meaning to talk to you about which is just as much an issue to me.

You see, sweetie, as impotent as the world is up against something as faceless and frontier-like as the battle ground of global terror, it’s still not quite as impotent as you are. I thought you were going to have that checked out and...Yes, I know. I thought everyone liked England too. Honey, please concentrate. The pressing matter is that you are – frankly speaking –as limp as Liberace’s left wrist. Yes, in bed! Where else would I be talking about?

So, metaphorically speaking, dearie, just like this ol’ world of ours needs a big love-injection, I think you need a shot of ‘erectile-dysfunction-cure-serum’. Do you understand what I’m saying? Yes, that’s right. You know the way to my heart: a prescription of “Operation Enduring No-More-Terrorism(No-seriously-this-time)” for the world and a prescription of Viagra for your penis. That would make me happy.



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