Monday, April 11, 2005

Channelling the black soul of an inept editor

"This is just bloody disgusting! The front page of the Herald Sun today informs me, as it always does, that 520 criminals were given suspended sentences between 2003-04. I’m sick of this bleeding heart, Leftist rubbish masquerading as social control. When are these pinkos going to learn that LAW and ORDER are the only ways to control crime? Victoria has the lowest rates of incarceration in the country! I shudder to think what the other states are like! Now, some lefties might spew bulldust about Victoria also having the lowest crime rates in the country, but don’t believe that Zionist tripe.

Suspended sentences are NOT punishment, people! All they do is say ‘here you go, criminal, do it again!’. If you do the crime, you do the time! Simple enough, isn’t it? Why can’t these bloody bleeding heart justices of the ‘peace’ (a loaded word if ever I heard one) get it through their heads? I bet they were never beaten as children. That’s the problem with this country: all these PC fascists won’t let us release our own sublimated fetishistic desires through spanking our children. NO, they say that’s child abuse.

The article quotes Steve Medcraft of ‘People Against Lenient Sentencing’ saying ‘It makes you wonder if they decide sentences based on how many cells are free in the prisons!’ and ‘no wonder police morale is at such an all time low’. This guy, mates, is a bloody legend. He’s so damn right: if there ain't room in prisons BUILD more. And if THEY fill up, build MORE again! Get the money from all those exorbitant grants they give our schools! It’s not like they need all that money for ‘educational purposes!’

Prisons work and you can’t deny it, unless you’re some artsy fartsy ‘academic’. It’s not like prison is a place where there is no hope of deterrence or rehabilitation because of the prison culture encouraging criminal behaviour, the societal stigma attached to being an ex-convict and the problems of continued contact with the criminal justice system, decreasing the chance of reform with every incident! That’s a leftie myth, folks and don’t buy into it. Prisons clearly work, folks: just look at how many people are in them! Having this many people in prison makes our country safer! More prisons, less leftie bullshit.

Thank you. "


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