Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Successes and Failures

Success! A man was gaoled this week for murdering his cat. Matthew Gardeniers, 30, was sentenced to 6 months by the Ringwood Magistrates Court for aggravated cruelty. He has a history of violence towards both non-human animals - especially cats - and people alike. If ever I thought that imprisonment could act as a deterrent - which I don't, really -it would be because of this.

Failure! The UN recently released its report on Darfur, saying that while 'serious crimes' have been committed, it's not genocide that's happening. The US, disagrees. Which is interesting, considering that the US is 'one of the 135 signatories to the Genocide Convention, committing it to prevent, stop and punish this crime against humanity' (allafrica.com). So, the UN cares but has strategically made sure to not label it genocide (the cynic presumes so there is no legal obligation to intervene); while the US IS calling it genocide, but is effectively saying '...but we're not gonna do anything about it'. This was echoed by Bush's State of the Union address which condemned Iran and North Korea (come on, man: One war at a time) but had nothing to say about Sudan.

Success! I made it home in time to see Desperate Housewives tonight, but that does not lessen the blow of this...

Failure! I finally watched the first season of Twin Peaks, only for it to draw me in and make me need to see the rest of it, only to find that not only has the second season not been released on DVD yet, but that my local video outlet does not have it on VHS. Damn David Lynch and Mark Frost.



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