Monday, January 10, 2005

Boo Hoo Hooey

So cartoonist Sean Leahy of the Courier-Mail, replacing Mark Knight while on leave, thinks the ‘Oil Rich Arab States’ aren’t giving enough to help the tsunami victims. In Saturday’s Herald Sun his comic showed three helicopters carrying Aid. The first helicopter said ‘Australian Aid: $1 Billion’, The second helicopter, just further away, said ‘US AID: $450 Million’ and the third helicopter, further away again, said ‘Oil Rich Arab States: $50 million’. The caption to this crude excuse for satire read ‘Waves of Compassion’.

Well, sorry, Mr Leahy but that’s completely out of order. Notwithstanding the exchange rates, Oil Rich Arab states are busy, man. Some of them are busy being introduced to freedom and democracy, while at the same time busy avoiding not being blown up by terrorists, the US military and their own governments. Some of them are very busy being murdered by their husbands. Some are busy murdering their wives. Most of them are busy being slaves to dogmatic anachronisms.

Some of them are busy harbouring resentment for nations which get aid from Western nations. Some are just busy harbouring terrorists. Some are busy BEING terrorists. The people and governments of these Oil Rich Arab States are busy, Mr Leahy. So, sorry if the Oil Rich Arab States don’t feel like digging fucking deep.

I just came up with a really good, funny idea for a comic. What if the cartoon had been about aid sent to Darfur? Would we then have three empty helicopters? THAT would be funny, I tells you.


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